Creature Features
9 Seasons
It’s always Halloween on Creature Features. Vincent, Tangella and Livingston bring the best and the worst horror and science fiction movies to you each and every week. Carried on over 50 television stations across the continental United States, Creature Features is also seen around the world on YouTube, Vimeo, Roku, FireTV and AppleTV. The programme debuted in October of 2016 and has delivered brand new episodes each week since from the historic Poulter Mansion in Bodega Bay, California.
2:16:46Episode 305
2:21:57Episode 304
1:54:14Episode 301
1:53:28Episode 300
2:06:31Episode 299
2:16:33Episode 298
1:51:36Episode 297
2:30:38Episode 296
1:55:45Episode 295
2:20:33Episode 294
2:00:11Episode 293
1:52:24Episode 292
1:52:30Episode 291
2:07:15Episode 290
1:59:15Episode 289
2:26:31Episode 288
2:13:12Episode 287
2:08:36Episode 286
1:50:59Episode 285
1:53:56Episode 284
2:15:20Episode 283
2:29:33Episode 282
2:04:03Episode 281
1:58:28Episode 280